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Bikeability L2 - 8th-11th Apr- 1pm-3pm

Kids will enjoy learning the skills and developing the confidence to ride their bikes on the road.

Starts ৮ এপ্রি
২৭.৫০ ব্রিটিশ পাউন্ড
St Albans Cycle Hub

Available spots

Service Description

This is a course for children that can already ride a bike, (if your child cannot ride a bike without stabilisers please look at Kids ‘Learn 2 Ride’ or the one-to-one training options). There are three Bikeability levels, with each level designed to help improve their cycling skills, no matter what they know already. Levels 1, 2 and 3 take trainees on a journey from the basics of balance and control, all the way through to planning and making a journey by themselves on busier roads. Level 2 is usually undertaken by children in Years 5 or 6, before they leave primary school. The first day of the Level 2 course covers level 1. - All riders must wear a cycling helmet at all times during the cycle training session. - It is your responsibility to ensure that the rider's bike is in a safe condition to ride. - Riders are expected to remain in the session from beginning to the end. - Any rider who misbehaves or puts others in danger will be asked to leave the session. Persistent misbehaviour will lead to the rider not being allowed to attend future sessions. - Please ensure that you notify us about any medical conditions that you feel the coach should know about. - If you have any concerns about the riders participation in any form of physical activity please consult your GP before giving your consent. - Cycle training sessions are conducted on the public highway.

Upcoming Sessions

যোগাযোগ করুন

আমাদের কল করুন: 

07960 742382



সেন্ট আলবানস সাইকেল হাব

কটনমিল কমিউনিটি এন্ড সাইক্লিং সেন্টার

ওল্ড ওক, কটনমিল লেন

সেন্ট আলবানস

হার্টস, AL1 2EF

আমাদের খোজ

খোলার সময় :

সোমঃ সকাল ৯টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৬টা

মঙ্গলবার : বন্ধ 

বুধ: বন্ধ

বৃহস্পতিঃ সকাল ৯টা থেকে সন্ধ্যা ৬টা

শুক্র: সকাল 9 টা - 6 টা

শনি-রবি: সকাল ৯টা থেকে বিকেল ৩টা

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